Before we started our New Year goals/resolutions/changes we capped off 2016 with a lot of food, football, family time, and filled glasses (had to stretch for that one, but it worked!).
Having Joel home for so much time these last two weeks has been such a treat. We kept things really low key, but having Dad home is basically like having a playground in your living room, so Leo was a very happy camper.
New Years Eve we took Leo to our favorite wine bar in Santa Monica, Ester's, had a glass of champagne and a few oysters, and just enjoyed being out of the house for a little bit.
When we got home, we put the baby down, ordered thai food, opened another bottle of champagne and cheersed with a donut for dessert!
We actually postponed our "New Years Day Brunch", for the 2nd, so that it would coincide with the Iowa game even though that game didn't end so well.
Since we delayed everything in our house by a day, actual New Years Resolutions didn't really take effect until the 3rd.
I always have the same long laundry list of improvements I need to make, but this year, I have one specific goal that I've put into of yesterday....
Waking up at 6:13am everyday (except on the occasional weekend and vacation!).
No clue why 6:13, but that's what I picked and I'm sticking to it. For the last 15 months, I've had Leo as my alarm clock. And for a long time, that was juuuuust fine! He was waking up early (and often) and he ran our day, so it didn't bother me.
But the last few months, he's become a much steadier 7pm-7am sleeper and staying in bed until 7am in my pajamas, waiting for him to rise, was impacting the success of our days.
I was staying in my pajamas for too long, really struggling to figure out how to get ready with a toddler in my way, getting annoyed with my cold cup of coffee, and just feeling really behind the 8 ball scrambling to how to schedule our mornings.
Insert: 6:13am.
By getting out of bed, I can enjoy my hot cup of coffee alone, check blogs, and plan out my day. When Leo wakes up, I can feed him on the couch and then jump in a quick shower right at 7am before Joel leaves for his office so he can wrangle Leo for 20 minutes and allow me to throw on jeans and smack a little make up on.
Honestly, this small change has the potential to seriously make me a better mom, wife, and overall person so I'm pretty pumped for it to be honest. I like the idea of having one specific goal, and this one is absolutely attainable so I don't have any reason why it won't stick!

Here's to a New Year!
Getting up before the baby is so hard but makes the biggest (positive!) impact on your day.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you sister!! I so wish that I could keep up with this too. Madelyn will actually stay in her crib and sleep late, but for a few mornings in a row, I was waking up at 6am and I wasn't able to sneak by Brody's room without him popping up. It totally defeated the purpose; so I stopped. I want to give it another try because he's usually good at sleeping until 7.
ReplyDeleteLove that resolution - make 2017 the best for you
ReplyDeleteWhat a great plan! Having that time to yourself is so important! Which is why I stay up too late each night just unwinding from the day!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like you all had a great New Year's celebration! I just can't bring myself to wake up before SC because I'm convinced if I started waking up earlier so would she! It is such a great goal though!