1 week before:
- Layout all clothes - Since we go to Mexico every year, with the same people, I try not to wear the exact same things year after year. I try to get an idea of my day and night outfits so I can notice any holes that I may need to fill before it gets to late. I'm actually really happy with the clothes I'm bringing along for this year's trip - the hardest part is deciding which night to wear them!
- Confirm Passports/airline tickets/etc. - It literally crossed my mind tonight that I don't know where my passport is. I think I know.....but I need to check....now.
- Dog & House instructions for sitters - This area is still a little up in the air. We have a few options, I just need to get it perfectly organized. Leaving Roscoe home without us is an anxiety for both Joel and I, but we are going to try not to obsess about it and enjoy ourselves while we are away.
- Airport ride arrangements
- Purchase carry-on size toiletries
- Order needed medications
- Teeth whitening
- Fake Lotioning - I'm an AVID sun-avoider...in fact, yesterday, I got news that a recently biopsied mole was benign!! I have very fair skin, and rocking a nice sun tan is not worth the risk for me. They goodness for Jergens
- Dieting- I'm going carb-free, but I really need to start upping my workouts.
2-3 days before:
- Pack Suitcase. I'm a carry-on ONLY kind of traveler. You know the saying.....It's true.
- Buying magazines/books/music - I'm desperate for some good beach reads. I'm stuck at chapter 5 in The Happiness Project and just can't find the motivation to pick it up. What are a few mindless, cute, reads that you love?
- Clean out fridge/garbage
- Tidy house
- Laundry & Ironing
- Stock groceries & wine for the house sitters
- Prepare carry-on and purse- My purse on planes is always the same: Scarf, Xanax, Gum, Water, 2-3 Magazines, Headphones, Music, Nook, Wallet, and Emergency Snack.,
Day Before:
- Layout airport clothes - I try to use the airport as an excuse to dress to impress - especially in LA. Airport outfits are my favorite, and I'm feeling a very "Yolanda" moment.
- Confirm tickets, passports, and needed items
- Pack toiletry bag
- Drink some tequila and get in the VACAY state of mind! - I don't love to fly in planes, so I like to distract myself the night before and morning of with alcohol. I realize now, as an adult, why I'm a better flier - and it's because I can have a few drinks to take the edge off!
And then, it's party time! Do you have any vacation rituals?When I was kid, my sisters and I had a tradition of always sleeping in the same bed the night before our trip. The anticipation is almost just as fun as the vacation itself!
Gone Girl is so good! Highly recommend for a beach read. Have fun! So jealous. :)
ReplyDeletethis is a great list! you're making me want to go on vacation!!
ReplyDeleteOhhh I need vacation so badly too! Great to-do list before the vacation, I think mine is very similar.
ReplyDeleteClick here to enter my Shabby Apple 50$ gift card giveaway!
You're so organized!