
My Go-To Lunch

I had been in a rut of becoming starving at lunch, having to get lunch served with kids, and then shoving a sandwich in my mouth.

My mom turned me on to this recipe, and I've been making a big batch on Mondays for the last five or six weeks - and it's literally saved my lunch routine.

Yellow Curry Chicken Salad

I either eat mine with just a fork, sometimes with wheat thins, and sometimes over arugula - but it's always flavorful, always hits the spot, and it lasts all week long.

What You Need: (I will say, I don't perfectly measure the below, I just eye ball and sometimes change it week by week depending on how the last batch went. I've know found that I personally like it heavy on the curry powder and green apples - so that's what you'll see below). 

1 Rotisserie chicken - I keep the skin in the mix but it's a personal call
1 Green Apple - diced, skin on
4 Stalks of Celery - diced
1 cup of Raisins 
Yellow Curry Powder - Heavy shakes
1/3cup of Mayo
Salt and Pepper to Taste 

Directions: Carve (?) the rotisserie chicken and shred the pieces and place into large mixing bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients and enjoy! 

 Easy as that!

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