
Weekend Recap

Dang, what a difference a week makes! I'm happy to report that I'm back to feeling 100% and I'm so thankful that I do. After spending 5 days in nothing but sweats it felt miraculous to put on jeans and boots, and head into the office.

After work on Friday I made the fatal mistake to shop the pre-friends and family sale at Bloomingdales. I honestly couldn't say no to 40% off of these bad boys.

 I picked up steaks and salad on my way home and we watched The Internship that night. I hadn't heard much about that movie but I loved it.  It was quick-witted, smart, and cute - without being raunchy. It's the perfect date night pick.
And I treated myself to wine and ice cream since I had been without the entire week before.

On Saturday - I took Soul Survivor in the morning which is my newest obsession. A standard Soul Cycle class is 45 minutes, but on the weekend they hold a 60 minute class to really kick your ass. I burn like 800 calories and I'm sore for 3 days afterward. The extra 15 minutes makes all the difference. And at $30 bucks a pop for a class, I feel much better about spending that kind of money for a longer and even more intense class.

 Saturday night we went to a new restaurant called The Hart and The Hunter. It's in West Hollywood, and little hipster-y, but it's Southern Comfort food at it's finest so we were in Heaven.

 They don't accept reservations so we had a few glasses of champagne in a separate room before we went crazy on biscuits, friend green tomatoes and pecan pie.

We hiked on Sunday, ran some errands, watched football, napped, and made chili. It's back to the grind today, but I'm totally okay with that because it means were a few days closer to heading home for Thanksgiving!
Sweet Home Chicago


  1. Glad your better. Your weekend looks so fun, especially that hipstery restaurant!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm trying to find more Survivor classes, too - you can FEEL IT.

  4. Those shoes! And that restaurant! I love everything. Glad you are feeling better!

  5. Glad to hear you're feeling better! I love spin classes too. Let me rephrase that, I hate them while I'm doing it but love it afterwards. The calories you burn is amazing!

  6. Did you get into this Saturday's class?! I'm completely obsessed with Angela. She is by far my favorite teacher and who can say no to 800 calories!??!

  7. TESS! Omg you look absolutely amazing... I just had to share with all my study friends... yes, I procrastinate my homework by justifying that I'm looking at your blog! But I'm obsessed with you boots and the new flats... can you please be my personal shopper?!

  8. The Hart and The Hunter sounds so yummy!! Glad you are feeling better.
