
Wedding Wednesday: Back to Chicago I Go

I leave tomorrow for two more showers in Chicago with friends and family. Moving across the country the year before I got married has created a lot of excuses to see them. They either are traveling here (bachelorette party or vacations), or I'm there, for wedding activities or holidays. I think the most time I've spent without being home or having a slice of home with me here is maybe only two months. It's been pretty fantastic.

I've also found that I love wedding showers.

 both invites came from WeddingPaperDivas.com

The anticipation of getting dolled up, finding the perfect outfit, and spending the afternoon with woman whom I love; all while sipping champagne is pretty amazing.

Besides the two showers this weekend, I also get to meet my dress again.

I tried her on back in September and she has been in NY getting all fancy for me ever since.

I had pictures on my phone, but that phone has since bit the dust, so I can't really remember all of the in's and out's of the dress.  I really, really hope I still love it. 

And I hope that it's really, really big on me!


  1. GIRL.

    I was going to comment on the showers but now I really want to say I BETTER BE SEEING A PICTURE OF THAT DRESS.

    Just saying. Or when I show up on June 22nd you won't be surprised - because hello, I haven't seen it yet.

    Yay for Chicago and being surrounded by amazing ladies!

  2. I MET MY *ACTUAL* DRESS YESTERDAY :) picked her up from the store and only went back into my closet once to zip open the garment bag and take a peek. I'm bringing her with me to MA this weekend where she will live til the wedding.

    LOVE these WPD cards.

  3. So when you're taking a picture for Sarah, please send it to me as well. I'm dying to get a sneak peak. And remember to pack the veil!
    Have the best time this weekend!!!

  4. Your shower invites are adorable. Well done by your hosts. Have an awesome time! :)

  5. So exciting! Can't wait to hear about your shower fun on the blog next week. Have fun!

  6. Showers were always some of my most favorite parts ... have a BLAST and enjoy every minute!

  7. Exciting! I can't wait to catch up on all of the recap posts.
