Since I only have a few days before I leave for Mexico, I'm trying to do a quick and effective 4 days cleanse just to feel better.

:::cutting carbs:::
This is the first thing I have to eliminate to start to feel good again. Before Thanksgiving I was on a maintenance program with just reduced carbs, I would have them sparingly, but it's time to go hardcore.

:::exercise everyday:::
I'm pretty good about getting in a workout 5x/week, but I need to up the intensity and maybe even considering adding in a few two-a-days. Exercise makes me feel good, it's just finding the time and getting out and doing it.

::: lots water & tea/little wine:::
I have at least 2 or 3 Camelbacks of water (64-96oz) and a few glasses of tea at night too.

I need at least 8 hours of sleep but my body these last few days has been craving even more. I'm trying to get into bed even earlier than normal, read a book - keep the TV off, and sleep as soundly as I can.

Whenever I get sick, it's normally because I've been burning the candle at both ends. With too much food, booze, and not enough sleep or exercise - my body reacts. I'm taking Emergen-C every morning to rid the toxins and bio-tin to keep my energy levels up during the day.
I also like this Dr.Oz Ultimate Supplement Checklist

I wish there was some sort of magic pill, but I sure as hell don't have it. All I know is that I feel better and look better when I'm taking care of myself, and I can't keep ruining it on the weekends!!
When I get back from vacation next week, we will be settling into a stricter routine and keeping these habits going in order to shed the winter skin.

I call the same thing my "winter weight". I think I'm one step from doing another advocare cleanse or blue print!
ReplyDeleteYou're so good about exercising. Wish there was a pill I could take that would make me better at that. This winter has zapped any will I have to be physical.
ReplyDeleteI (we) are the same way. Eat great during the week and then totally blow it during the weekends. It's so hard to pass up french fries though when you're out to eat! :)
ReplyDeleteMy middle section is thicker than it used to be and it is also harder to take off 5 lbs. yay, mid-thirties! I am going to up the cardio and cross my fingers because I am really tired of my pants being too tight. Some of it is also just the winter months, I am naturally less active when it is so cold!
ReplyDeleteSaw your blog from the 5 on Friday linky... I feel the same way about my eating habits now. It's just so hard to be strict when I'm eating out a lot. Now that I'm 5 days from going on a vacation to a beachy location too (St. Lucia), I think I need to adopt an emergency cleanse similar to yours! Have fun in Mexico!
I've been feeling the same since the Holidays this year. Definitely time to step it up!