The weather this weekend was really gray and wet, but we found a way to make the most of it. Friday night, I joined a few new friends for a birthday dinner. It was such a blast - and when I got home on Friday at 11pm, I stayed up a little later to hang with Joel too.
Saturday morning I was moving slow, but it was a big day in our house. Leo got his first hair cut!!!!
I was fairly certain that he was going to lose his mind as soon as I sat him in the flying chair, but he was SUCH a pro! I was armed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the ipad, and a container full of mini marshmallows, and Leo did fantastic!
Joel and I were so proud of him, and we were both holding our breath a little as the hair stylist just clipped, and clipped, and clipped....but, actually, she did a fantastic job and his hair is still long and curly.
He looks too damn cute!!
We decided to go out to lunch as a family to Duke's Ale House to celebrate the occasion - and we had a great lunch.
Once we got home, we put Leo to bed and I joined my mom and and some neighborhood friends for another birthday party at The Cottage. We had a few beers and I was back home by 5pm to hang at home with yummy chili that Joel made and lots of basketball.
On Sunday we had planned to go to Church, but Joel woke up with a scratchy throat, so I left the boys at home and headed to the grocery store (with my dad!) and the gym - which, alone, both felt like a treat!
After my errands, I took Leo to nap at my parents house so Joel could relax and my mom and I could get caught up on Big Little Lies. Leo took almost a three hour nap so we got in two episodes and a round of scrabble.
I'm super rusty, but I am happy to report that I only lost by 2 points against my mom who very rarely loses.
We had a great dinner with my parents, sadly watched Kentucky lost, and were home in time to relax and get to bed early to start a fresh week.
Hope you had a great weekend too!

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