
Home, Married, and a Mrs.

Where do I even begin?

My last post, almost 4 weeks ago now, I was leaving California, ready to embark on the weeks of my life.

The wedding weekend was everything and more - and it all turned out perfectly. 

I'm going to keep "Wedding Wednesday" going and really stretch this bad boy out.

In all reality, I just want to go back to every moment and slowly relive it, so I'm actually just forcing you to be my audience while I do so!

In the meantime, here are a few of the teaser pictures my photographer shared with me...

I can't wait to see all of the pictures - and get my hands on the video - but luckily we had almost 2 blissful weeks in Hawaii to distract and unwind. 

Honeymoon recap and semi-normal blogging all resume tomorrow.

I'm happy to be home, and happy to be home as Mrs.Shields!


  1. So happy you are back! You look absolutely beautiful in those pictures and I can't wait to see more and hear all about the honeymoon! Happy Monday!

  2. WELCOME BACK MRS. SHIELDS!! So so so happy for you, and literally, OMGGGGG at these photos!! I just can't even!!

  3. Yessssss!!! Love these pics!

  4. Woo! Can't wait to see and read more. Congrats congrats congrats!

  5. Those photos!!! LOVE. Can't wait to see more!

  6. Welcome back pretty! These photos are great!

  7. Oh heavens! You are a stunning bride Tess! I can't wait to hear all the details about your weeks away!!!

  8. I am dying over these pictures!!! Also, the long veil in the wind gives me goosebumps. I'm biased, but you were made for a long veil. You were such a beautiful bride!!!

  9. Yay! Welcome back and congratulations! Can't wait to see more pictures and hear all about the wedding and honeymoon!

  10. I'm SO glad you're back!!! I can't wait to see more pictures and hear allllllll about the wedding and Hawaii. You look gorgeous in those pictures!!

  11. You look BEAUTIFUL and so, so happy! Congrats and cannot wait to see/hear all about it!

  12. Woohoo! Glad you're back! Can't wait to hear (and see) more!

  13. Absolutely breath taking! Love that you are back and your wedding / honeymoon sound fabulous :)

  14. These pics literally just gave me chills. So so happy for you sweet friend! You are gorgeous! Xoxo

  15. You are the most stunning bride!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! :)
