How Far Along? 16w, 5d - due October 15, 2015
Gender: We find out for sure on Monday, May 18th!!!!
Weight Gain: +7 from day 1 on my scale. At the doctor I'm only up 3.
Maternity Clothes: I had the exchange my AG jeans for the smaller size. I really hope this was the right call, but after two wears they were just way too baggy and were driving me crazy. I wore my J.crew minnie pants today and can zip up the zipper all the way but I am just about busting out of them.
Nursery: June will bring some changes.
Movement: No but the doctor said to expect some feelings between weeks 17 and 20.
Symptoms: Overall, this pregnancy has been really good to me and I feel really lucky that I've gotten by relatively pain free. This week did have a few weird ones....
- Hormonal and emotional - wowza this past week they hit me hard. As I was driving to Palm Springs for work I started crying because of some kind of radio show, and then it was just a total downpour. This weekend I was just really irritable and moody and just felt off.
- My skin is definitely not falling into the category of "glowing". I've never worn foundation or face cream but I just put in an order for a Bare Minerals "Complexion Rescue" because, my skin needs a rescue formula badly!
- My lower belly is starting to make some changes and it's been really weird to wake up and feel like a hard stomach. It ebbs and flows but if I catch it when it's hard, it's the weirdest feeling ever. I feel a lot of pressure and some round ligament pain which is uncomfortable but not painful.
Sleep: I haven't taken a nap all week which is the longest stretch I've gone since becoming pregnant! I've been taking Unisom about twice a week and it really helps keep me asleep for the entire night. I love it.
Joel: I think he got pretty frustrated with me this weekend when I was boiling over at everything, but he remained calm and nice and tried to stay out of the path of fire when it was getting really bad. And, I just feel really thankful that he has been to every appointment with me, no questions asked, staying til the (sometimes very long) end, and always finding a way after the appointments for a celebratory treat. I know not all partners do so, or can, and Joel drops literally everything to make it happen which....well...I don't want to start crying....
Workouts: 5 and a lot of walking on Sunday so 5.5! I'm proud of this one because I even made it to the hotel gym twice while I was in Palm Springs.
Cravings: Ready for a cupcake on my birthday!
What I Miss: I had a major urge for a French martini (specifically from Mastro's) this weekend. That may be my first real, real drink after baby.
Random Things: Baby turns 17 weeks this week, and I'm turning 27 years - and we'll both be celebrating in Vancouver, B.C.!
Best Moment This Week: Feeling enormous gratitude and relief after our 16 week check up. Hearing the heartbeat (clocked in at 139bpm) is just amazing. I felt like I could walk on water all day after my appointment.
Looking Forward To: Monday, May 18th is our anatomy scan and we will find out the sex as well! The doctor said I'll start feeling some movement in the next few weeks so I'm really looking forward to that as well - and a more prominent baby belly.
You look fabulous my friend and yall have a big couple weeks ahead!
ReplyDeleteAHHHHH your belly I am so vicariously living through your pregnancy, you look absolutely adorable
ReplyDeleteAw look at your bump! I find at the end of the day my bump is huge! By morning it's gone down a lot. Have a great birthday and time in Vancouver!
ReplyDeleteAlly - Life as I know it
So fun! We just went to Vancouver the other weekend and it is such a fun/pretty city! The perfect birthday getaway!
ReplyDeleteThe 18th! How exciting! You look great!
ReplyDeleteLooking fantastic! I always look forward to doctor appointment days too. The 18th will be here before you know it!