How Far Along? 15w, 4d - due October 15, 2015
Gender: Starting to really want to know for certain!
Weight Gain: +5
Maternity Clothes: I wore maternity jeans on Saturday and it was really weird! I was in between sizes when I tried them on and the sales girl told me to go with the bigger size. I'm not sure if I should have listened because they were just about falling off of me by the end of the day. I'm holding out hope that they'll fit later (because they were super expensive) but I have the receipt handy just in case.
Nursery: May and June will bring some changes.
Movement: No but looking very forward to it.
Symptoms: I finally caught up with sleep thanks to Unisom. I took it two nights last week and I think it helped get my body back into action. I do feel like my stomach is starting to push out a little, but it's not clearly defined bump and could easily be mistaken for too much food. I also have to pee an ungodly amount - especially right when I lay down.
Sleep: Not feeling the insane wave of exhaustion every afternoon which has been a nice change. It's not 100% gone....but I see it decreasing.
Joel: Honestly,
he's so, so, so good and I would be so, so, so screwed without him.
Besides doing all of the heavy lifting this weekend with our new rug,
he's really thoughtful and picks up a lot of slack at home. I'm rewarding him by being a great designated driver though.
Workouts: 5, M-F. I think I got all of them...1 spin, 1 hike, 2 treadmill sessions, and 1 weights-day. This week will be harder since I'll be in Palm Springs but I still feel better on the day that I get in something.
may need to up the weights workout because I was holding a ten pound
baby this weekend for maybe fifteen minutes and I told Joel my arm was
literally shaking so that's slightly concerning!
Cravings: I'm not in a "I have to have this and I'm waking up thinking about it" type of craving situation, but pizza always sounds good and I love tart green apples with cheddar cheese.
What I Miss:
I missed drinking a glass of wine at birthday party this last Saturday.
Something is always fun about day drinking and the white wine just
looked so good!
Random Things: We had a family friend offer to give us a lot of their baby stuff which was just the most kind, generous offer, I still can't believe it. We are going to take her up on it, see how everything fits in our house, and see if we can make it work.
Best Moment This Week: Thinking that maybe I have a little bump has been fun. I sent a few pictures to my mom and sisters and a few friends and it was pretty fun to get their reactions of the first signs of baby bump.
Looking Forward To: I kept saying the next appointment was May 3rd but UGH it's MAY 5th! Next Tuesday, next Tuesday, really really looking forward to next Tuesday. Just the assurance that everything is going according to plan will be music to my ears. And I'm really excited to be able to give everyone a date for the anatomy scan.