
Hip Hip Hooray!

Don't you just love the energy of a sunny Friday?

Can I just tell you that I woke up at 4:55 (okay, actually 5am, but 4:55 sounds much more bad ass) and got my butt to the gym.

It actually wasn't as bad as I thought, and I'm feelin' verrrry good now!


This weekend in Chicago most people will be celebrating St. Patty's day, but I'm just not feeling it.

Day drinking doesn't have the same ring as it used to.

Instead, I think I'm going to try and get a solid 3 mile run in and do some shopping. I need a suitcase for Spain and some gifts for Joel because we are celebrating 4 years together next weekend!

and tonight Joel and I are going to a friends new apartment to check out his digs and then taking him out to Sushi at my favorite spot Ukai.

Can you tell I'm going like a mile a minute?

I think it's time to go catch my breath and head to work.

Happy weekend girls.


  1. Don't you just love the way a morning workout makes your whole day better???

    And I share your thoughts on daytime drinking. I guess that means we're both old.

  2. Sounds like a good weekend! We haven't ever been able to work it out so that we could be in Chicago for St. Patty's day. Hopefully we will be able to enjoy it next year!
