- First, and most important, is my health. This is number one, because without your health, you don't have much. Even though I get down on myself when I don't eat right and when I don't run enough, I am lucky to be able to decide to eat wrong, or not run. I am so thankful for my good health and hope that this year I try harder to better it on a daily basis
- Family. I'm not sure if you know my family, but they're pretty good to me. Each member of my family brings a different element to our crazy house, but we couldn't do it without all of us. Even though we all get on each others nerves now and then, I know that Mom, Dad, Hannah, or Nellie, would be there for me without a seconds thought. I'm so thankful for them ,and their good health too.

- Joel. My boyfriend of 2 1/2 years. He is so good to me. He is the ying to my yang. He is calm when I am crazy. Funny when I'm in a grumpy mood. Sweet when I'm sour. One of my most favorite things about Joel is that we would have a good time together in a jail cell if we were stuck in one (which we will never be, but I'm just saying). He is determined and postive, and he makes me a better person. I am so thankful for him, and again, for his good health.

- Friends. On a side note, the really cool thing about this post, is that some of my friends are my family too. I'm so lucky that my family members are actually my friends. I won the family jackpot (on most days...). I have a lot of friends. I have a lot of really good, really pretty, really funny friends. When I sit down to think about the amount of really good friends I have, I become overwhelmed by my thankfulness. Each one of them brings me so much joy in their own ways. I've gotta throw a shout out to my very best friend Claire. I am so lucky to have Claire in my life. We only get to see each other a few times a year but this girl knows my in's and out's, and still loves me. Bff's since 2nd grade, and no end in sight.
- Kuka & Papa. My grandparents. I'm so thankful that I have such a good relationship with them. They are so youthful and paitent. I am so thankful that they take care of themselves, and love to be around family, and have instilled such values in our lives. I am forever in love with my Kuka and Papa who are some of the most generous people I know.
- Teaching. It feels really good to have a love and passion for the career I am about to get into. I am so thankful that I get excited to go into the classroom. I am thankful for the 32 brilliant 5th/6th graders I have met this year and couldn't imagine I could love and care for them in the short 12 weeks I've known them, but sure enough....they've got me.
- My house. I am so thankful for my house. It's so warm, and cozy. I am thankful that I am moving back home. I am thankful that I will get to spend a few months at home with my mom, dad, and nellie. It will be an interesting transition, but I am thankful for the option and the comfort.
- Comet. My dog is about the sweetest animal I have ever met. I am so thankful that he is so cuddly and happy to see me everytime I come home. I'm even thankful that he wants to kiss me when I come in sweating from a run.
- Mexico. I am so thankful that we have a vacation home in Mexico. I love Punta Mita, and I love that we get to spend Christmas down there. My entire family gets to relax and spend time with each other, and thats what Christmas is about. I am thankful that in 4 short weeks I will get to do yoga in the sun, read easy fun books, slather myself up in SPF 90, and get to dance and eat at resturants where the floors are sand.

I am thankful for so much more but it's 11:24, and my bed is making me pretty thankful for sleep. Happy Thanksgiving to all and Give Thanks.

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