The girls (and Max) got in Friday night and 6 of us headed out for an Italian dinner at Frasca. We had a great time eating and drinking and just catching up. I had missed my college girls so much and can't believe it's been 5 years since we all first met in Burge Hall.

I pulled out my camera at dinner and the waiter said to me, "huh, so you're the mom of the group". Everyone got a good kick outta that - mainly because he was dead on.
Saturday we spent the day downtown starting with lunch at Hub 51 and a mini photo op at Millennium Park.

We did a wine tasting at 4 and then Joel and I had to bid farewell to pick up my parents at the airport.
Super Bowl Sunday was a blast. My parents hosted a great party and I spent the whole day prepping for it with my mom.

We baked lots of goodies and then my parent's Mexican restaurant catered a taco bar for the main event.

The weekend was so nice because I felt like I got to see so many people that I love. Kind of fills up my love tank - is that SO cheesy, or what??????

Yea, yea, I know it is...but it's Valentine's Day week so don't give me too much grief!
aww you all are so cute!