She hadn't been feeling well for a few days, and after finding blood in her vomit, coupled with serious back/organ pain, she decided she couldn't wait any longer.

They admitted her into the hospital after a blood test that revealed her kidney levels were way too high. From there we endured the long and daunting process of waiting for doctors to give us answers.

Long story short, Hannah finally got out of the hospital on Thursday night. Her levels came down, her kidney looked and responded perfectly to treatment, and the doctors are confident we are in the clear. There are a few theories as to why this happened but it's hard to pinpoint exactly which one is the culprit.

It was a very long three days, and I was paralyzed in fear as my family all sat in the hospital room for three days. Three long days, with too much wait time and WAY too many miles between me and my sister, and my family.

It was those three days that reminded me that while my wedding this weekend is going to be amazing, memorable, and quite possibly the best day of my life....it's not the most important thing in my world. Every little wedding stress that had been haunting me last week, meant nothing. My sister was sick, and her recovery was the only thing that mattered to me.

In a way, I needed that reminder. NOT in the way it was served to me, not at all, but a little perspective never hurt anyone.

So, now, wedding week is here.

My family is healthy, my friends will be by my side, my bags are packed, my fiance and I are in love, my house is in order, and I'm ready to ENJOY every little bit of this week. We will be surrounded by great love, and I cannot wait to soak it all in.

I leave tomorrow for Chicago, so it will be quiet around here for a while. I have some amazing blog friends popping in to say hello....but when I return, I'll be

Until then, keep up with me on instagram (@teatimewithtess) and follow #joelandtess for some wedding pics!!
I can't believe this week is finally here! I might have to distance myself a little bit from the internet cause it may make me a little weepy.
ReplyDeleteI may be getting a little creepy attached to your wedding. Sorry about that.
So glad your sis is well! I know that was scary. Have a great weddign week! Can't wait to see pics.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you had a scare. With the different tragedies that I've survived in my life, I'm super paranoid that SOMETHING really serious and non-wedding related will happen just before the wedding. It helps keep me focused on the important things -- family and friends and love. I'm so glad she's doing well now.
Woohoo can't wait to see pics! Have fun and I am sorry to hear about your sister. Glad she is ok now though!
I will be posting #joelandtess photos like crazy!!
ReplyDeleteI'm just so happy for you and excited to watch you and Joel tie the knot. It will be beautiful and meaningful and FUN, no matter what!!
Love you much!!
Ahhh I'm glad your sister is ok! Talk about a scare, yikes.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it's wedding week - I feel like you were just telling us you got engaged. Enjoy every moment! I can't wait to hear all about it!! (And I will most definitely be stalking your Instagram waiting for pictures haha)
:) :) :) :)
I'm so glad your sister is going to be ok! Hopefully they get some answers as to what it actually was to prevent anything happening in the future.
ReplyDeleteCan not WAIT to hear all about it when you get back!!! Eeek! :) :) Just remember to soak it all in because the day will fly by! And enjoy every minute! (And once you see Joel, you'll be FINE! I was anxious up until I saw Ryan and then all was good.)
I'm glad your sister is doing better!!
ReplyDeleteCan NOT wait to see pictures from the wedding!! Congrats!
so glad she is healthy and well! so scary - but yes, great perspective on everything. have an amazing wedding and an incredible honeymoon!! congrats!
So glad she's okay!