Slowly catching up, and if you are following along the bumpdates for baby #2: weeks 5-12
How Far Along? 13w4d
Gender: GIRL
Weight Gain: 0 (this is pretty much the same as when I was pregnant with Leo)
Maternity Clothes: No but jeans and shorts are tight (and being mainly avoided).
Nursery: No
Movement: Nothing
Symptoms: Much better week overall. Still working with exhaustion, and about every other day I find myself 100% needing to take a nap. I'm getting hungrier as well, but I would say that my feeling of morning sickness is all but gone. I'm able to eat more than just white foods (even ate salmon this week!), but I'm still loving carbs and desserts.
Having to go to the bathroom like 40 times a day is really annoying. I drink a lot of water, but the constant pressure on my bladder is not fun!
My belly is starting to take some shape. It is still can be concealed well with pants and loose tops but it feels hard in the morning and in the night and in my bathing suit or in a dress looks pretty baby belly like!
Sleep: I do have to get up to pee a lot through the night, especially right when I lay down and feel tons of pressure on my bladder but I'm sleeping solidly from 9:30-6am.
Joel: Since he was traveling last week he totally indulged me both Saturday and Sunday morning by letting me sleep in, read my book, and brought me coffee and breakfast in bed. It was heavenly.
Workouts: We took a bike ride along the lake this past weekend (6 miles), and hauling Leo in the trailer behind me makes for a pretty solid workout. Plus, we have walked about 5 or 6 days a week from anywhere to 2-4 miles.
Mood: Good but emotional. One night in bed, Joel and I were talking and about a second later I couldn't hold back serious hysteric cries. Joel couldn't stop laughing at me and I was legit crying for like 10 minutes before I could get a hold of myself!
Cravings: bagels with avocados on top, cookies, and aged gouda cheese from Costco (that is literally life changing).
What I Miss: Nothing major this week.
Random Things: Joel and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary this week with a nice dinner out at a restaurant here in CL (1776) and we have our short list of baby names (There are 3 that we are playing with).
Also, we are starting to talk about baby with Leo. When we ask him where the baby is, he will point at my belly and come and lift up my shirt. He knows that it's a "gurrrl" when we ask if it's a boy or a girl, and he's getting great at saying "brudder" and "sister"
Best Moment of the Week: Feeling better, my spoiled weekend mornings, all of Leo's joy making our days happy, and having Joel come home from his business trip.
Looking Forward To: It's 4th of July this upcoming weekend and we have TONS of friends and family coming into town. We are going to be slammed busy, but it's going to be fun and we are going to just take it day by dad. I'm excited for Joel's brothers to get filled in and share in the excitement with my sister in laws.
Gender: GIRL
Weight Gain: +3.5lbs
Maternity Clothes: No but I'm really in workout clothes or dresses everyday
Nursery: My cousin has a crib that she has in storage that she told me to just take since Leo is happy in his crib, and I don't want to rock that boat before the baby comes. If he naturally is ready for it closer to his birthday, we'll transition to a big kid bed, but if he is not, it's nice to know I have a back up crib.
Movement: Nothing and I'm eager to feel it!
Symptoms: I am not loving the heat. It's been high 80's the last few days and I really feel like it takes it out of me. Running errands in the heat, or even a short walk, and I feel totally drained.
The last few mornings, I have noticed that my belly is a little lopsided. It was the same thing with Leo (until about 20ish weeks I believe), but it's pretty funny to see when I look down (while I'm laying flat).
Sleep: Sleep has been great overall. My best nights sleep is with half a unisom, and I really don't like to stay up past 10pm, but otherwise, I'm sleeping well. I'm napping less, but when I can sneak them in, I do.
Joel: He was a big help this past week while we had SO many visitors and activities. He made sure he was picking up the slack wherever he could, and really made life as easy as possible for me. It was great to have him home so much this past week over the 4th of July
Workouts: It has been really weak this past week and a half, and I can feel it (and see it, since the scale jumped this week). We have just had a lot of people and a lot of things but I'm hoping to get two good workouts in this upcoming weekend and kick it into higher gear next week.
Mood: Pretty good with shorter patience - especially if I'm hot!
Cravings: starting to crave a little more healthy foods which is nice (and I have some aggressive aversion to burgers right now).
What I Miss: Cold beers all week long!
Random Things: We celebrated the 4th of July with tons of family, friends, and lots of activities. The 4th of July weekend in Crystal Lake is one of the best weekends of the year, and we pretty much got to enjoy everything we wanted to. Lots of time with cousins, fireworks, Leo went to his first fair and rode on a train, and the weather was perfect all weekend long.
Oh, and we have your name little girl. We needed to talk to some family members to make sure it was an OK name to use, and it looks like we got the all clear :)
Best Moment of the Week: Watching the fireworks with Leo, Joel, and my sisters. It was a perfect night and I can't wait to do it next year as a family of 4 (even though I'll likely stay home with you!).
Looking Forward To: A normal, routine, slow, healthy week.
Gender: GIRL
Weight Gain: +4/doc +2
Maternity Clothes: No but I' wore regular jeans today and on Tuesday and have been so uncomfortable. I'm ok when I'm standing but sitting is a whole other story so the maternity clothes are happening soon!
Nursery: No, but I'm hoping to order window treatments for the window in the nursery in the next week.
Movement: YES! Early this week I felt some movement/pressure and one distinct, couldn't deny it kick. With each passing day I have felt more and more movement!
Symptoms: Overall its been a great week. My skin is not its clearest, but whatever. I have to pee an ungodly amount, but I'm used to that, so there really isn't much to complain about.
Sleep: Sleep has been great overall. My best nights sleep is with half a unisom, and I really don't like to stay up past 10pm, but otherwise, I'm sleeping well and I've been nap free all week. I've also been able to stomach a cup of coffee in the afternoon and that has really, REALLY helped.
Joel: I think he has noticed my belly pop out a lot this week and has been asking to feel it since it's now in that hard belly stage. He is looking forward to feeling and seeing the kicks but probably has a few more weeks for that.
Workouts: I made it back to the gym this week which was nice. I had a sitter on Monday so I spent 45 minutes at the gym and it was really fun actually. Joel and I went out on the paddle boards on Sunday and I've gotten a few one hour walks in as well.
Mood: Pretty good with shorter patience.
Cravings: I like to have something sweet after lunch and dinner and I couldn't walk away from Twizzler nibs today at target.
What I Miss: Not much this week. Happy hours, but I keep telling myself how quickly this time will pass, and that there will be a LOT of happy hours in just 5 short months!
Random Things: We had a great 16 week check up. Baby's heartbeat (143/144 bpm) sounded amazing, and I even filmed it which has been fun to listen to, and everything else was great. We had a blood test for AFP levels and everything came back normal! We scheduled our 20 week anatomy scan for Monday, August 7th.
Best Moment of the Week: Feeling the baby kick, hearing the perfect heartbeat, getting normal test results back, and feeling the gratitude of growing a healthy baby.
Looking Forward To: Lots of fun things this week - but I'm looking forward to more baby kicks and having the 20 week ultrasound completed. I'm anxious for that ultrasound and while it is so much fun to get a look at the baby, I'm eager to hear that everything is looking and developing perfectly.
Love these updates! So glad you're feeling better, morning sickness is the worst. I felt pretty crappy with both my boys but was usually back to myself by week 20
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear baby girl's name and the runner ups!! But I will be patient! ;)