We didn't have grand plans for Friday, but for whatever reason, I was in the mood to do a little something fun. I decided to cook a fun dinner, so Leo and I spent the morning at Barnes & Noble to play with the train table there (one of our favorite indoor spots to hit up) and then went to The Fresh Market to pick up dinner.
Annie introduced me to this seafood pasta dish, and it does not disappoint. Below is what I used - and honestly, cooking the noodles is the longest step in this dish so it's good and easy.
I had fun lighting candles, listening to Frank Sinatra Pandora, and just enjoying the dinner making time (vs. during the week when it feels like chaos).
Joel came home and we all enjoyed the dinner. Leo stayed away from the seafood, but liked his deconstructed salad and the pasta.
That was about the extent of our activity. Joel gave Leo a bath, we watched a few episodes of Modern Family together, and then I went upstairs to hang and Joel watched a soccer game.
Joel started his morning at the DMV so that he could register his car and get his new license (he's turning 30 this week!). He didn't anticipate it to be fun, but it REALLY sucked when he had to hand over $1200 in cash. Apparently Illinois collects tax on leased cars differently than California, so that was a not fun hit.
Thankfully, he decided that donuts were the only cure.
I took Leo and Roscoe for a walk and then Joel and his dad took Leo to a Touch a Truck event.
Leo was obsessed and has been talking about the helicopter that they watched take off since the event.
At nap time, I drove into the city. I stopped at my cousin Amanda's new apartment to say hi and check in on their home improvement process.
After a quick visit, I drove into Lincoln Square to celebrate one of my best friends. She had a little bachlorette soiree since she is getting married in Mexico in October (3rd wedding of a dear friend that I'm having to miss because of pregnancy!).
We had a glass of champagne (some had shots), chocolate covered strawberries, and then walked over to the Chopping Block for a private cooking class.

The class was SO much fun. They had set out snacks and had a full bar while we waited for a few other friends to arrive.
We cooked a "Summer BBQ" menu, learned a few fun cooking tricks, and then enjoyed the dinner together.
After the class, I drove Jenna's mom and I back to Crystal Lake, and the rest of the group went on to continue the fun.
I didn't get into bed until midnight, and had such a hard time falling asleep, so on....
I woke up feeling like crud. Lack of sleep is hard for me! Thankfully a long bike ride did help. We rode around the lake while Joel ran beside us, and even though I really didn't want to go, it really helped me get a little energy.
After the bike ride we met my dad for a little dip in the pool and lunch.
We brought Leo home for a nap, I snuck in a nap, and then my sisters and their boyfriends came in from the city to spend the afternoon and night with us.
We decided to take the boat out for a little happy hour which was so much fun. Leo is obsessed with spotting ducks, seaweed, and jetskis so he could've been out there for hours.
We had a great dinner at the Country Club - thankfully ran into a friend who gave us their bubbles (life saver since dinner took a while) and then called it a night.
Schools in our area start going back to school this week and next, and I'm feeling the energy of that anticipation. I'm hoping it helps kick us into a higher gear around here!!
What a fun bachelorette celebration. Sounds like a nice weekend!