
I just finished the first book of the Peach Tree Bluff series, and loved every page of it. It's easy, heartwarming, and summer-y. Overall, my perfect kind of read.
My neighborhood started a summer book/wine club, and we had so much fun....we decided to continue it through the school year. I'm hosting September, and we voted to read this book, so it'll be my next read.

I'm really liking Very Cavallari.
She is a cool chick - and she has a way about her that makes you want whatever she is doing. Honestly, she makes coffee look cool. I will say - the exception to that rule is her husband. He is a total dud.

I'm also happy to see Bachelor in Paradise back in action, I'm obsessed with this season of Younger, and I'm also loving Counting On - no's honestly more entertaining for me than the housewives lately.
I'm still listening to Podcasts when I get the chance too. I like them in the morning while I'm getting ready, while I'm running errands in the car, or when I'm doing things around the house. I'm not following any this month that I've loved, besides the one's I've shared in the past - so please share if you have any that you've enjoyed.
We have been doing a lot of Jack Johnson's station on Pandora, and Leo has really been into music lately and constantly requesting the Children's Disney channel, so that's been hitting the speakers often too!

I've been cooking a lot lately, but dinner time is our most chaotic time, so I haven't been getting around to snapping pictures of what we've been eating. During the work week, I try to get in as many salads as I can - and my most recent favorite dinner was Natalie's Greek Turkey Burgers over an Argula salad. They make quite a bit - are really hearty - and make for great leftovers the next day.
This entire summer I've had the opportunity to play in a tennis drill in the mornings from 9-10 and it has literally been my absolute favorite thing of this entire summer. My game has gotten a lot better, I have so much fun out on the court, and I honestly didn't realize how much I had missed having a competitive sport in my life!! I think I'm going to keep at it this school year and play in a drill with some of the women I've played with this summer which excites me as well.
We've also been DOING summer right. Lots of walks, beach visits, library time, play dates, happy hours.....we've really been living it up and it's been so much fun.

We need to chat about this tennis situation. I haven't played since I was a kid, but I always really enjoyed. Thinking it might be a good exercise option for me that isn't your standard cardio.