We kicked off the Halloween week with non-stop activities starting bright and early on Friday morning.
After school on Friday, the library hosted a festive story time and then all of the dressed up kids "trick-or-treated" throughout the library.
It was pretty cute, but somewhat chaotic, and there were so many kids there, I felt like it was a little hot and crazy. My kids were breaking down quickly so I was excited to get them into the car to head home for lunch and baths .... but wouldn't ya know it ... my brand new car wouldn't start.
Lonnnng story short, I got lucky, got it to start after 30 minutes, thought it was just a glitch, but it ended up happening again so the dealership has it currently.
After naps on Friday, we met friends in downtown Crystal Lake for a little pizza party at Georgio's. All of the kids were given pizza dough to make their own pizzas with and the parents had beers and pizza - it was a blast. We ended up keeping the party going by taking all of the kids to one of our friends house, and stayed there until almost 10:30.
The big kids played so well - mainly with the Dads in the basement - and I put Drew to sleep in the pack and play and later transferred without an issue. *she is perfection!
Saturday morning Joel and I got runs in before we took the kids over to our communities Truck or Treat.
The weather was perfect, so we walked through the area and then went with my parents out for lunch too.
While the kids napped - I prepped a dessert for our next party - and this was a MAJOR hit. I used this recipe, and it couldn't have been easier or more delicious.
We had another family Halloween party - but we decided to keep Drew back at home with Joel. It had been a busy weekend and Joel and Drew were coughing so I didn't want to risk anything. The party was a ton of fun but since this was for a friend who is a little older, so lots of the kids had masks on and Leo was honestly scared out of his mind.
They did a big parade and pinata, and Leo wanted NOTHING to do with it, so I snapped this lonely pic of me and my nervous guy! He warmed up eventually but I don't think Halloween is his favorite holiday.
Sunday was a pretty slow day. We had plans to bring in all of the outdoor furniture, but it rained and everyone seemed a little grouchy (likely due to over stimulation?), so I escaped for a mani/pedi while Joel and the kids built forts, did my meal planning, and ordered groceries.
We ended the rainy day with a family dinner over at my parents which was nice to get out of the house for a bit too.
And more fun to follow this week I'm sure!

Okay that stinks about your car! Looks like a fun weekend otherwise! MA was scared of the costumes with masks too!