
Weekend Recap


 We had an action packed weekend but filled to the brim with family, friends, and fun....so not much to complain about! 

Friday morning we started off the day with swim lessons with Cole and Nolan.

Leo went under the water twice, and did a pretty dang good job! 

Friday afternoon we celebrated our buddy Tucker's 2nd birthday with a mickey mouse themed dinner, since they were off to Disney the next day. 

Tucker is so sweet and gentle with Leo, and mainly just watches him in awe as he squaks and squeals. 

Saturday was kind of a blur. I spent the morning with my cousin Erin and her brand new daughter Carter, and then did a workout class at Orange Theory (so fun!), and got my nails done....all while the boys held down the fort at home.

I barely saw Leo on Saturday, because Joel put him down for his afternoon nap, and we had to get ready for a night out. We had a babysitter coming at 4pm, so I literally had 22 minutes to get out of the house.

I found this cool dress at BCBG and have a feeling I'll be wearing it all summer long. 

We had a work event at The California Club downtown LA which was just spectacular. 

The evening was all about a wine festival held in Napa over the summer, on top of a beautiful location, great music, and great food....we also had some of the best wine I've ever had.

Joel and I were lucky to enough to be seated next to the winemaker, Darioush, and his wife. It was an incredible evening out and we were home pretty early which was made for an easier Sunday morning.

Sunday morning I helped out with my cousin Erin and her sweet baby Carter. It's so fun to be the "expert" all of a sudden, and feel like an old pro just seven month later! 

That afternoon, we had friends over for a BBQ so we had to get Leo dressed in his finest ;)

Beth and I had baby boys
just about two weeks apart, and its just about the best thing in the world to watch them play and interact together now. They were just so damn cute together.

Once they left, Joel and I watched another episode of OJ vs. People and then took our tired selves to bed!  


  1. I'm so glad yall had a fun night out! And I cannot get over Leo in his sailboats. Bring him to Charlotte so he and MA can play!!!!!

  2. What a fun weekend! That is so great that you and your friend had babies so close together, and also that you are now the "expert" mom to another friend!

  3. Look at your smokeshow husband going into the club!

    Also tell me about Orange Theory... one just opened up by me and I'm super curious / am bored af with all the CT Soul instructors...
