Leo and his baby sister will be 2 years and just shy of 3 months apart when she arrives, so for the most part, I feel like I just had a baby!
With that being said, there wasn't tons of stuff that we needed but all of a sudden, the list did get a little longer than I expected.
This time around though, I had the insight to know where I felt like we should splurge, where we felt like we could borrow from friends and family, and the times I felt like we could really could get away without needing (like 100 swaddle blankets).
My mom and sisters hosted a baby sprinkle for me a few weeks ago, and a few guests asked what they could gift us that we really needed. It prompted me to create a wish list on Amazon of some "necessities" - plus we did take advantage of the completion discount - so I thought I would share that with you.
For the most part the "supplies" that I really feel like we need this time around don't require much explaining (like a new, pink crib sheet), but then there are other things that I just didn't need with my California baby that I will need with this winter Midwest bambino (like the JJ Cole Bundle Me for her car seat).
Lots of items on this list, I used with Leo and wanted again - Zutano bootie slippers, a new humidifier, Vitamin D drops since we plan to breastfeed, breastfeeding supplies (like storage bags and microwaveable cleaning bags), as well as pacififiers, baby hangers and a car mirror/ipad holder for her side of the car.
Probably the only new baby item I'm going to give a try is the Boppy lounger. I never had one with Leo and lots of my friends that have had babies in the last two years have said that it's a must-have item for the first few months, so I went ahead and registered for it and I'm excited to give it a try (except, I really wish it was a softer material).
As for the stroller, we decided to go with a Double Bob. For our lifestyle, I really only need a double stroller (I think), for long walks around our neighborhood, to the beach/pool/zoo, etc. and don't anticipate using it for grocery store visits or what have you. What will I do with two babies in the grocery store? I'm not totally sure, but I plan to wear the Ergo a lot, and just figure it out. We also have the single UppaBaby Cruz and a few double umbrella strollers as well, so we should be ok.
Also, I did buy one of these Ikea carts so that we can have a moveable command station on the first floor.

My sister-in-law (and mother of 4), was also super generous of letting me steal a lot of her baby supplies that she is done with (extra Rock and Play's, swings, and bouncers), and my neighbor brought over like 30 newborn sleepers that were in like pristine condition.
For the most part, I feel like we are set. I know that once she comes I'll be putting in a large order at Amazon, but for now, this is what we've stocked up on.
Do you have any Baby #2 must haves? Anything I should plan to get before she arrives?

You seem so ready! I’m impressed you are already stocked up on vitamin D drops. That was totally something we were getting off Amazon!
ReplyDeleteYou will love the double Bob!! It's the best and so easy to maneuver! I still use mine all the time for walks and the boys are 4.5 and 3! I did end up with quite a few double strollers because Matthew hated being worn :( it made grocery shopping super fun with two haha.
ReplyDeleteI have an almost 3 year old boy and 13 month old girl (they are 20 months apart) so we were in the same boat. We got a baby jogger city select double as well as the riding board and I have found that we really use the single seat and riding board combo more than the double seats!
ReplyDeleteThank you for adding this!! I appreciate it!
ReplyDeleteWe SWEAR by the Boppy Lounger! It was without a doubt one of our top five newborn items with Charlotte - it really helped when she would be sleeping in those early newborn days and we needed two hands to like... fold laundry or eat dinner. Even awake, I could carry that dang thing all over the house with me and prop her up. I had a really big emotional time with any kind of separation, so it helped that I could have her somewhere safe and close to me but not necessarily holding her 24/7 (because... baby steps). My husband is not a baby gear kind of guy, but he has told EVERY SINGLE FRIEND of his who's expecting a baby that they have to put this on their registry haha. I agree about the material but I often just laid a swaddle over it, and put our tiny swaddled Charlotte in the nook on top of it. You'll be so glad you added this!