We had the best long weekend. Joel's office was closed on Good Friday, so literally at 8:15am I left the house and hightailed it to get my eyebrows done, do some shopping, make returns and get a mani/pedi. It felt like such a fun mini-vacation!
These two couldn't be cuter - but sometimes Mama needs a morning off.
I'm so bummed that we didn't snag any pictures, but Friday night we went out with our friends to Da Baffone here in Crystal Lake.
Joel and I sat at the bar for a quick drink, before we had a great dinner and basically shut the place down. Two bottles of wine and a ton of pasta later did not make me feel good - but it was such a fun night out so I'll call it worth it.
We had a ton of rain Saturday morning, and since I was a little hungover and Joel was out running, Leo and I decided to watch Curious George and ease into the day a bit ;)
Mid morning we went over to my moms house. My sisters came in from the city, and my Grandmother came to stay too, so we spent the afternoon cooking, doing puzzles, and enjoyed a little hair of the dog.
Joel and I took the kids back home right after dinner - put them down - and watched basketball. Joel had spent the day playing Easter bunny building this beautiful little play house in the garage.
He wasn't so thrilled with the project, but he did such a good job and the house is SO dang cute.
Sunday...Easter morning....I felt like we had basically lived a full day before 10am! I LOVE holidays as a mom, but they are a lot of work!
Joel took Leo to church, and while they were at church, the Easter bunny showed up!
Leo's favorite part was finding all of the eggs filled with marshmellows and bunny fruit snacks....with the final eggs leading to his big surprise.
It was 35 degrees Easter morning (wtf), so we only played in the house for a few minutes, but I know he will love spending his summer in his little spot.
We hit up brunch at 11am and before we sat down, the country club had a little petting zoo. It was supposed to be outside but due to the freezing temps, the put it inside.
Leo loves animals, but I wasn't super excited about having him pet all of the animals and then go enjoy breakfast, but we had fun watching from the outside and that actually seemed to appease him enough.
After brunch the entire crew went back to my mom's house for more food and more family time. Some of my aunts and uncles and cousins came by to spend the afternoon with us too so it turned out to be a packed, but super fun, Easter.
Both kids did SO good all day. Drew was a happy camper at brunch and took a 45 minute nap in her stroller and then loved being held by all of her aunts and Coco, and Leo - despite eating SO much sugar and not napping couldn't have been better. He was great at brunch, was sweet and fun with everyone, and then played for almost two hours by himself with his new Moana and farm animal toys in the middle of the playroom. They both make me so proud to be their mom.
Monday morning came way too fast - but it was so much fun to celebrate our first Easter as a family of four. I truly couldn't be more thankful.

oh my god I can't handle those yellow bunny pants! these pictures are too cute! and we love that restaurant--their portions are enormous.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful Easter! I agree with you about holidays as a mom too. They are so much fun, but a lot goes into it!!