On Friday afternoon we were supposed to head to Iowa to spend the weekend with Joel's brother and his family, but a few of their kids got sick, so we decided to stay home.
We ended up joining my parents for dinner for a fun Oktoberfest dinner at the country club and then coming home and catching up on a few shows we had DVR'ed over the week.
Saturday the weather was super cruddy, but we spent most of the day helping my parents start their move. They are moving out of their house in 10 days, so we helped box stuff, take things to GoodWill, and the most fun....take a few pieces of their furniture to our house!
My mom had two antique tables that were her parents that aren't going to work in their new house that she gifted to me and I am OBSESSED.
They made a hugggggge improvement in our living room/dining room space and they're just such beautiful tables with so much history, I feel honored to have them at our house now.
This piece isn't an antique, but it won't work for their new house so I'm going to try and make it work for us. Our house has a lot of square footage and open spaces, and I like pieces that help fill the space and keep it cozier.
It needs to be styled, but it's got great storage and fits this wall perfectly.
I popped into World Market on Friday and ended up buying this dresser for Leo's big kid room.
It was the floor sample so it was already built (major win for Joel) and on major sale (major win for me) and it majorly cute (major win for Leo) so everyone wins!
They're are a lot of moving pieces for the nursery/big kid transition, so it will sit empty for a few more weeks, but I'm glad that I finally found a piece that we actually need. Some forward progress!
Saturday night we walked over to our neighbors to watch the Cubs play the Dodgers in the first NLCS game.
They served chili which was perfect for the super windy and stormy night, and thankfully the power only flickered so we could watch the entire game. Sadly it didn't go in our favor, but I'm really hoping the Cubs can come out on top.
After taking a bath, Leo always gets wrapped up in a robe or towel and wants to play "baby". He literally makes his entire body a limp noodle and it just cracks us the heck up. It's the cutest darn thing.
Sunday morning was perfectly fall - it was 50 degrees and windy and crisp, so we decided to treat ourselves to latte's and cinnamon bread at Starbucks before taking our groceries home.
We spent Sunday afternoon doing things around the house, and then I made some pumpkin turkey chili and cornbread casserole for my parents and us for our Sunday night dinner.

Obsessed with those tables!! Jealous!